Woolly Rhino and Lignum Vitae Cane

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Woolly Rhino and Lignum Vitae Cane


A once in a life-time offering here, this cane is crafted using extraordinary pieces of natural history. The handle, in the shape of a Rhino's horn, is solid bone from the extinct woolly Rhino, an ancient megafauna species which roamed around Europe during the last ice age and went extinct over 10,000 years ago. The bone is specifically from the Woolly Rhino's skull, the forward most part near the nose, just forward of the animal's horns. It's extremely dense bone. Several years ago the bone was found buried in the Siberian permafrost, where it rested frozen and preserved in ice for possibly 100,000 years or more. Hard to find a cane handle with a more unique story and history.

Moving down the cane, the divider is also ancient bone, which was found along the ocean floor in the North Sea. Its species is unidentified, but likely dating back sometime during the last ice age as well, as it was partially fossilized. Could be a marine species, or from a woolly mammoth. Regardless, it fits the theme of the cane and its structure is beautiful.

The wood shaft is also special, is the densest wood in the world, Lignum Vitae, or Guayacan. There are several closely related species that all carry the common name of "lignum" and all are dense, but this wood is the legend itself, the densest and rarest. A highly protected species, only very old stock remains, a privilege to be able to offer.

This cane could be used daily. It has a respectable heft that could be burdensome for users of small stature.

Total length measures 38 inches and can be shortened to fit.


Handle: Woolly rhino skull bone from Siberia

Divider: Ancient bone, North Sea and brass with thin lignum

Shaft: Genuine lignum vitae from Central America

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