Dragon's Blood Burl Cane
Dragon's Blood Burl Cane
This museum quality cane is a rare opportunity to own an amazing wood called "dragon's blood". More amazing than the wood is the tree, the last image in the listing shows the tree in its natural range on Socotra island, Yemen. This species is extremely rare, but burl wood is much rarer even still. Its beautiful wood, the grain is shimmery and brilliantly colored with golden hues swirling together with burl eye figure. This piece also has a two-toned effect with lighter colored wood towards the top of the handle.
Moving down the cane into the divider is why this piece is one of my ancient canes, in the center is a piece of leg bone from a woolly mammoth. This extinct ice age megafauna roamed around earth during the last ice age and went extinct around 10,000 years ago. This piece of bone was found in the Siberian permafrost and its likely at least 30,000 years old or much older. It’s accompanied by layers of brass, thin Tasmanian blackwood, and slightly thicker outer layers of Australian Gidgee wood with curl figure in both.
The shaft is curl figured Granadillo wood, a very dense wood with rich brown colors, this is a great looking and feeling piece. The curl figure runs top to bottom and has a strong chatoyance - a dynamic effect in the light that can’t be appreciated in still images.
A medium weight cane. Perfectly functional. Total length measures 38” and can be shortened to fit.
The last image is of a Dragon's Blood Tree (Dracaena cinnabari).
Handle – Dracaena cinnabari (Dragon's blood burl)
Divider – Brass, Mammoth Bone - Siberia
Shaft – Cur figured Granadillo wood from Central America
Rubber tip